
New automation action: email yourself

April 20, 2024

Sometimes the next step when something happens isn't to email a customer or update a record in a database. Sometimes, the next step is to do something with the information you've just received.

Now, you can email yourself when an automation runs. This is a great way to keep tabs on what's happening in your account and manually intervene when the time is right!

For instance: we've got a survey running that automatically emails folks when they've been registered for a week but haven't imported any data. Whenever someone responds that they want help importing their data, we get an email letting us know to reach out to them manually.

This single automation — "notify me when someone responds 'Yes, I'd like help importing my data'" — has saved us hours of time, driven thousands of dollars in revenue, and took all of five minutes to set up. And now you can do something similar, too!

Written by

Justin Duke

Justin Duke is a software engineer, lover of words, and the creator of Buttondown.

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