
A tool you can trust

Buttondown is indie newsletter software, built with a personal touch.

Buttondown did not start out with a grand vision of changing the world or a mandate to revolutionize an industry. It started out with two simple ideas:

  1. Newsletters are cool, and it should be easier to run one.
  2. It's important to build and use tools that you can trust on the order of decades, not years.

You'll never have to bounce between four different customer service agents or chatbots to talk to a human at Buttondown. You'll never have to worry about your data being sold to the highest bidder. You'll never have to worry about Buttondown being acquired by a megacorp and shut down.

I’ve been burned by platforms that claim to have my own interests in mind, and then actively hurt the growth of the list by shunting us to low-quality servers while hiking their fees. Buttondown doesn’t feel like that kind of company.
Nick Disabato

Why's that? Because Buttondown is independently owned, with no stockholders or investors to answer to. We've been growing steadily for six years, comfortable in the knowledge that we're building something that might not be for everyone, but is perfect for the people who do use it.

No credit card required. Only pay for what you use. Cancel anytime.